Stone Turtle Lodging

Stone Turtle Lodging
View from Faith's Deck
Showing posts with label Southwest Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southwest Oklahoma. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

Wall Deco

For those who have stayed in our cabin Faith, you've probably noticed all the photographs on the walls. It was really important to us that we use our own photographs and that they were mostly taken in our area. Yep, all those lovely spots are in our area.

So as we're getting our rental cabin Hope up to our colorful standard, it's back to the photograph drawing board. Almost all of the pictures are in SW Oklahoma. It just proves that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. See an interesting picture? We'll tell you how to get there!

Greetings from OK,


Wanderings of a Girl Ryder

This blog is brought to you by the lovely (biased opinion, we know) Stone Turtle – Lodging, a small family owned and operated hotel / lodging business near Lawton, Oklahoma, Fort Sill,  the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Meers and Medicine Park. Yeah, that’s right we’re a small lodging business close to all the awesomeness Oklahoma has to offer!!

This blog is brought to you by the lovely (biased opinion, we know) Stone Turtle – Lodging, a small family owned and operated hotel / lodging business near Lawton, Oklahoma, Fort Sill,  the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Meers and Medicine Park. Yeah, that’s right we’re a small lodging business close to all the awesomeness Oklahoma has to offer!!